Hiking at Bukit Gasing.

Epal dan Pisang sekalian.

Masa cuti Merdeka kan aku tak balik JB, memang membuang masa jela. Membuang masa ke arah yang tidak sepatutnya. Tak produktif langsung. By the way, it's already September. Boleh lah layan lagu Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends. Sesuai lah untuk aku yang sekarang tengah so-called busy. HAHA. Siang asyik nak tidur, malam jadi kelawar nak settle segala benda. LOL.

So, Balqis ada lah bagitau planning dia untuk ke sana sini. Of course lah melibatkan aku. ^^ HAHA. Cuti Merdeka haritu plan nak hiking kat Bukit Gasing. Bukit Gasing je mampu nak~ Well, kalau dari CFS ni, kau naik Bas Hijau PJ tu sampai bus stop Jalan Gasing which is depan Temple. I mean temple tu bertentangan dengan bus stop, located at your right. And kau kena warm up lahh. Straight away sampai hujung then belok kanan, dan teruskan perjalanan sampai kau jumpa pintu gerbang dia. Aku tak ambil pulak gambar pintu gerbang dia tu. Search jela. HUHU.

Actually it was a so-called hiking je. HAHA. Dahla guna track yang paling senang. I bet. Sebab tak sampai puncak pun. Adalah sampai tower jugak. First time datang kott. SlowSlow dulu..

Gambar ni ihsan WhatsApp. Aku punya gambar belum transfer lagi. HewHew~

Aku nak share apa yang merekamereka yang lain caption-kan kat Insta and Facebook. So, here..

" Celebrating independence day at Bukit Gasing.
Penat tapi seronok. Owyeh! " - Husna

" Hiking Bukit Gasing with my lovely rumet and jiran ..orang sambut merdeka,kita pegi meneroka alam.orang2 sana yg peramah banyak bantu memudahkan perjalanan.mostly Chinese.great to know them.alhamdulillah Allah bagi peluang untuk menikmati keindahan ciptaannya.semoga kita benar2 mengerti erti merdeka yg sebenar.
→31 ogos 2015← " - Tinan

" We arrived here, hiking to the top of the mountain without having a guider or any experience. But we were glad because there were some friendly Chinese uncle and aunty who were pleased to show us the way up. Along the journey we met some dogs but when the owner saw us, they fastly stopped their dogs to give us walking peacefully as some of us are scared with dogs. Maybe also it was because we are Muslims, so they paid respect to us, knowing that we can't touch the dog without a valid reason. May Allah showered them with blessings and guide them to the straight path before it is late to repent. Same too with us who are already a Muslim. Ameen.

Btw, thank you friends for the great tour.😉 Thank you for making my wish achieved too. I really enjoyed it 😁

#bukitgasing #friendsforever #happymoment " - Balqis

" "As a young people and first timer, you should take a challenge. Use this way and this way until you found a tower," said one chinese guy.
And yup! We take the challenge. Almost one hour and third quarter we spend our day for hiking at bukit gasing.
Along our journey, many people that we found. Each person that past by, either us or them will start to have short greet. "Hello, good morning,". It is like a culture there to greet whoever they saw.
Deciding the way, between right and left is very difficult. Wrong way will makes you stay longer there. Haha. Alhamdulillah there was a couple of chinese guide us until the end of the journey.
Huhu. The end!
Thanks Siti Noor Balqis a.k.a master mind, Fieza Sudin a.k.a hyper trainer, Imtinan Shaari a.k.a camerawoman. Koh3. And Hanani Kamarudin a.k.a supporter. Hahaha :) thanks for a great journey. May Allah bless you gurls. " - Husna

Caption aku? Cehh! Pi la stalk Insta ke Facebook aku. Heh~!

Thanks awakawak sekalian. MuahhhMuahh! 

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